Nerva–Antonine dynasty

Felix dies natalis Annia Galeria Faustina!

Faustina the Elder (wife of Antoninus Pius), from the lime of the Baths of the Cisiarii, 2nd century AD, Ostia Antica, Italy Carole Raddato
Portrait of Faustina the Elder, from the Baths of the Cisiarii, 2nd century AD, Ostia Antica, Italy
© Carole Raddato

Annia Galeria Faustina, known as Faustina the Elder, was born on September 21 in about 100. She was the wife of Antoninus Pius, who ruled the Roman empire from A.D. 138 to 161. She probably married Antoninus Pius about A.D. 110 and they had four children, two sons and two daughters. They are believed to have enjoyed a happy marriage. Faustina was a beautiful woman, well known for her wisdom. She spent her whole life caring for the poor and assisting the most disadvantaged Romans. Although she died twenty years before him, Antoninus Pius did not remarry. On her death in A.D. 141, Antoninus Pius declared Faustina divine and built a temple in her honor in the Roman Forum.

2 thoughts on “Felix dies natalis Annia Galeria Faustina!”

  1. And if I am not mistaken one of her daughters became the wife of Marcus Aurelius – Faustina the Younger. MA and F the Younger also had a long and happy marriage from what we know at this late date, but had the misfortune to produce, among their 13 children, the future emperor Commodus.

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