Britannia, Frontiers of the Roman Empire, Hadrian's Wall, Hadrian1900, Roman Army, Vindolanda

Digging at Vindolanda (2022)

This summer, in the year we celebrate the 1900th anniversary of Hadrian's Wall, I participated in the excavations at Vindolanda, the famous frontier fort and settlement in Northern England at the edge of the Roman Empire. Vindolanda is a fascinating excavation site, one of the most productive in the world.   Every year, between April and… Continue reading Digging at Vindolanda (2022)

Britannia, Hadrian's travels, Hadrian's Wall, Hadrian1900

Summer AD 122 – Hadrian inspects the northern frontiers: part 5 Britannia (#Hadrian1900)

After a lengthy inspection tour on the Rhine and Danube frontiers, Hadrian arrived in Britannia in the summer of 122 with his friend Aulus Platorius Nepos, the man chosen to be the new governor of the province. Nepos' previous posting had been to Germania Inferior, where Hadrian had just spent the last couple of weeks… Continue reading Summer AD 122 – Hadrian inspects the northern frontiers: part 5 Britannia (#Hadrian1900)